Yesterday, the French department hosted a competition for students to put the knowledge they’ve learned this semester to the test. Parts 1 and 2 were composed of reading comprehension and general French writing conventions questions with a focus on verb conjugation in the present tense. Part 3 was an optional 100 word writing piece.
The winners for the combined parts 1 and 2 are as follows…
Grade 3/4

Grade 5/6

Congratulations! 🥳
In part 3, the writing prompt was: “Write about the most special or unique object that you possess. 100 words maximum.” and two of our students performed wonderfully.
Round of applause to Kaiyuan and Kelly for their outstanding submissions!!! 👏
Finally, a shoutout to some students that always eagerly participated and were actively engaged in the lessons. Your efforts are acknowledged!

Thank you to everyone for participating in this competition and we hope you had a good experience! We would like to express a huge congratulations to all the students as well as the mentors for all their hard work this semester!!