2023 Summer Storytelling Workshop Picture Book!

The summer Visual Storytelling Workshop has come to an end and it has been a remarkable journey!

Our dedicated students have spent weeks learning about story elements and the production process of a picture book. They have worked together to create the incredible final picture book, On Sailing. Efan, our workshop host, would like to thank Garris, Nancy, Jocelyn, William and Even for their outstanding contributions to this project and for making it possible. 😀 🎉

Please take a moment to read what the FutureEd students have crafted this past summer!

Ohio State Train Derailment

– Eric Liu

A small town in Ohio, just 400km away from the US-Canadian Border and near lake Eerie, had a train derailment, the train crashed and chemicals exploded into the surrounding areas, and the environment. Residents of the town recently reported strange odours, and dead animals in the surrounding areas causing them to wonder if it is actually safe to go back home.
