Environmental & Climate Fiction Writing Contest

Join the Green Society’s second annual environmental and climate fiction writing contest, offering prizes of up to $600 USD! Submit your articles, short stories, or poems exploring environmental topics, portraying fictional worlds grappling with climate challenges, and more. If you’re interested, please scan the QR code on the attached flyer to register and submit. For more information, contact us at thegreensociety23@gmail.com!

2023 Summer Storytelling Workshop Picture Book!

The summer Visual Storytelling Workshop has come to an end and it has been a remarkable journey!

Our dedicated students have spent weeks learning about story elements and the production process of a picture book. They have worked together to create the incredible final picture book, On Sailing. Efan, our workshop host, would like to thank Garris, Nancy, Jocelyn, William and Even for their outstanding contributions to this project and for making it possible. 😀 🎉

Please take a moment to read what the FutureEd students have crafted this past summer!

2023 Math Contest Results!

A few weeks ago, the Math department hosted a math contest to test students from grades 3-5 their problem solving skills that they have learned over the year. There were a total of 21 questions that consisted of various math topics(such as geometry, fractions, prime numbers, etc) which required them to show their answers in a step by step manner. All students did a great job and the winners are…

Thank you to everyone for participating in this competition and we hope you had a great time solving these problems! We would like to give our congratulations to all the students this past year and a big thanks to all the mentors for all their hard work!

2023 FutureED Bubbling Up Science Competition Results!

Recently, the FutureED Science Department hosted the first ever Science Competition. Students between grades 3 and 6 competed to show off their knowledge and demonstrate all that they learned from the past year. The competition was composed of 50 multiple choice questions covering all topics of science. In first place was Ruiming, in second was Aryanna, and tied for third place was Yahan and Henry.

Thank you to everyone for participating in this competition and we hope you had a wonderful time! We would like to give a huge congratulations to all the students this past year as well as our greatest thanks to all the mentors for all their hard work this year!

Have a wonderful summer. We hope to see you soon in our summer programs or in September!

2023 French Contest Results!

Yesterday, the French department hosted a competition for students to put the knowledge they’ve learned this semester to the test. Parts 1 and 2 were composed of reading comprehension and general French writing conventions questions with a focus on verb conjugation in the present tense. Part 3 was an optional 100 word writing piece.

The winners for the combined parts 1 and 2 are as follows…

Grade 3/4

Grade 5/6

Congratulations! 🥳

In part 3, the writing prompt was: “Write about the most special or unique object that you possess. 100 words maximum.” and two of our students performed wonderfully.

Round of applause to Kaiyuan and Kelly for their outstanding submissions!!! 👏

Finally, a shoutout to some students that always eagerly participated and were actively engaged in the lessons. Your efforts are acknowledged!

Thank you to everyone for participating in this competition and we hope you had a good experience! We would like to express a huge congratulations to all the students as well as the mentors for all their hard work this semester!!

2023 English Competition Summary!

Today, the FutureEd English Department held a competition for the students, with topics to test all the knowledge they’ve learned this semester. It was divided into 3 events: vocabulary based Jeopardy, trivia based Blooket, and a short writing contest.

The winners of the event, as determined through points collected from the Jeopardy and Blooket, are as follows:

  1. Henry (1420 points!)
  2. Matthew Lu (1220 points)
  3. Ryan Lin (1150 points)

Congratulations to these winners! You will definitely be receiving your prizes very soon.

One of the main events, was the ~20 word writing contest. There were many great submissions, but ultimately, through mentor review, 5 nominees were chosen. Additionally, with a unanimous vote from the students, Ruiming’s piece was chosen as the winner!

“Don’t run, Don’t hide now, 

It’s too late to escape now, 

You are now cornered.”

– Ruiming

Here are the other excellent pieces, nominated by the mentors:

“Lily was singing

A dog looked in her big eyes

She got embarrassed.”

– Kaiyuan

“Sigils had suddenly, and unmistakably saw a ghost! It wasn’t just a real ghost, it was himself!”

– Jason

“I like snow because it can glow, and has the ability to be thrown and can go, go, GO!

– Rachel

“The way you say my name, Tell me, how l can not fall for you”

– Kaixin

Overall, it was a really great competition experience. Thanks to all the students who participated, and of course the English mentors!

Thanks to the mentors who organized this event: Even, Efan, Kyangia, & Jiaan

1st Math Class Competition

On last Friday, Mar 31th , there was a math competition between teams G3/4 in our Math class. The two teams were competitive. In the “must-answer” round, both teams scored the same points, resulting in a tie. In the “fast-answer” round, the Cats team remained calm despite being slightly behind. Finally, they answered the last question correctly, completing a comeback and winning the game with a two-point advantage. The members of the Cats team are:





Miranda Lin




Congratulations! The Cats team’s perseverance and cooperation during the game were particularly commendable, especially when they encountered difficulties. Despite the challenges, they remained focused and determined to succeed. In the end, Katherina‘s exceptional skills and hard work paid off as she completed the winning question, securing their victory.

Although the Rabbits team narrowly lost the competition in the end, the children demonstrated great enthusiasm and skill throughout the game. They had a strong lead for most of the competition, thanks in part to the exceptional performance of Jerry, the youngest player in the second grade. During a dull moment in the first half, Jerry’s two-point contribution lifted the Rabbit team’s morale and kept them in the game. Even though they fell short in the end, the Rabbits team can be proud of their valiant effort and the positive attitude they displayed throughout the competition.
